Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Water and hand work

Leela and Yashas joined me to explore material supply. We entered every factory, literally stopped many tractor trolley to took phone numbers and find material supplier. In the process also met business man from Gujrat and Rajasthan (Jalore). They are here for business – no big deal If we are in Hosour to make O-campus.

Well, it was fun.

Two granite factories have agreed to give scarp for free. Found direct suppliers of materials and willing to take cheque – this helps in accounting with less handling of cash.

The work at site is slow – less workers, water is far from the site.

Today I was thinking – I am playing the role of owner only – arranging material, payment, coordinating …………….I have stopped doing work with my hands at site. The feeling is not so good.

Looking forward to tomorrow to re-start work at site.

We started fetching water from well to the construction place. The speed of making sump is slow  - workers are less, fetching water takes time. We are using well water.

In the morning I was thinking - can we some way pump up the water to the construction place?
I have the feeling we can use water pump mechanism and pump up the water up - we can make a temporarily system.

Even if we install something like this near the well  - we save one step of taking water put of the well.

Shall we explore this sat/ sun making of water pumping system?

Else - once the sump is ready, workers are planning to get water tanker, they are in no mood to fetch water form the well.
If we can use this well water, we can also clean up the well and chk for further use.

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