Monday, May 7, 2012

Hope meter

On Sunday I went to O-campus to personally understand the digging of playground.  As we were digging we realized that there are rocks and things will not go the way we had planned. I needed time to think and re-plan, we stopped the work.

I realized that when I go specially for one work and my another leg is in Bangalore, my reactions were different – I was regretting “why did I come on Sunday, My kids wanted to go for shopping, anyway Sriram knew the work………….I was in a hurry to come back. The work also did not happen the way I had planned…….the rocks on the site really looked like a road block.

When I am staying at the O-campus and getting the work done, I have no ifs and buts. I am just there and such ups and downs, no rocks are road blocks…………..everything is fine and moving, Ah! I enjoy staying at the site.

Sriram asked me what work you do at Bangalore. When I told I work for this trust, he wanted to know “what benefit you get”  I said no benefit, I just work. He was surprised…………………I too :)

On Friday the action of material procuring for construction started. We also mobilized labourer for tree plantation. Asa expressed “my hope has again come back, I have been hearing we will do this, that but not much happening on the site, I see the action now. When I saw the mud road on the site I had hope, then for two weeks not much happened now again actions is happening. Hope has come back”. So now we keep checking Asa's hope meter :)

I was just thinking, If I was in her place I would have been thinking the same. But to be part of mobilizing action has taught me to see every step as action. For me last two weeks were not dull period, things were happening in the background………..for things to start now. 

Looking forward

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