Friday, May 11, 2012

Action Day

Today was action day
Pramod came t o site to chk the foundation  - its all clear, we are ready to start the foundation – yippeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Mud block machine with 5 people came to the site, Sriram finally came in action……………….one wanted the shed to be ready, another wanted to know how will they get water, one was worried about the mesh, another for stay and electricity……..the list was longgggggggggggg.

The shed is not yet ready, labourers will stay in the guest house. My first thought “I am alone today, will I be ok with them”. Well, I am fine, I see no danger, I see no apprehensions.

Dandpani called to know if everything is ready on the site I said "its not ready, but you come, things will be ready". When he reached the site, he was hyper “nothing is ready, the size of the shed is note enough, no water, no query dust etc etc………”

By the evening he settled, made friends with Sriram and eager to start the work tomorrow.

The sump is not ready, have done temporary arrangements, bought a water drum - simple!
We need water, have arranged for two ladies to fetch the water to make mud blocks - simple!
We have no electricity, Vishal has arranged for two solar lights - simple!
The shed is nt ready, the team will stay for two days at the guest house - simple!
Enjoying things happening from nothing to everything.

It will good exploration for kids to visit O-campus during next week, they can be part of making mud blocks.

The team of mud block has five boys – These young entrepreneurs form village travel to different places. Yet to explore their working - something we can reach out to people thru O-campus.

Venkatppa was too eager to show me govt hospital. I visited the hospital with him, it is 5 kms from O-campus, have all the first-aid facilities. First I was taken as an officer to check, so initially there was hulchal, soon they got settled and told me “see, we have all the first aid facilities, when something happens bring the child us”. They say it is 24hrs. All rooms were empty but as soon as I requested to meet the doctor, one lady doctor appeared – so I have the hope 24hrs will work. The ambulance driver gave his mobile to me. Next level hospital is in Hosur (GH  - generl hospital), in Kelmangala we have PH (primary health centre).

Ambulance - 1056
Driver's no - 90252 81274 (Ganesh)

Venkatappa was not too eager to tell that the area has snakes "I will get afraid".  He just said "they co-exist, do nothing to you. no worry, no Kardu (bear), may be wild boar, elephants do nothing.........all is well. Just keep a dog for your safety, make boundary with thorny bushes and that all".  Will get more info as he will get more confidence in me :). He was back to boundary wall :)

Looking forward to tomorrow for more action.

1 comment:

  1. So brave aditi - all alone at the o-campus on such an action packed day - and what a day - it was her birthday !!
    Super open aditi.
    Will join her from tomorrow for all the action.
