Monday, May 21, 2012

learning to make it a true O-campus

Ours is a O-Campus – open campus
Its not just open from all sides – it is open to all kinds of people

If we truly believe in o-campus – we have to be open people.
Open to embrace all kinds of people.
If O-campus has to be a campus of learning
We have to be open, infact eager and willing to LEARN from all.

Every person we meet, we have to meet with open mind, open heart and a desire to learn.
In fact we can learn so many things from each and every person we interact with – no matter how he or she comes across, whether he is helpful or not helpful, whether he is kind or hurtful, whether he is giving or taking, whether he is stealing from us or saving for us – each person to us is our neighbour / peer – who we look forward to learn from.

We understand that each person has made some choices in life. We need not adopt those choices, not necessarily like them also, but we need not be judgemental of those choices. We need to accept the choices they have made. We need to accept them as what they are, not as how we would like them to be.

This does not mean that we bend backwards; it only means we see with open eyes, hear with open ears and feel with open hearts. We also think with open minds.
It does not mean we succumb to their demands; It means we be empathetic to their desires. It means we still can be emphatic of our own rights.
It does not mean that we go with their decision; it only means we explore more options – which are win win.

If we really want  the campus to be O-campus, we need to open an account of relationship with every person we meet with – and have positive balance in each of those account.

To me the current boundary issue raised by neighbours, some overpriced transaction by contractors, some below quality work by workers – all are mere reflections of how each person is trying his or her best in the current situation to make his or her life happy.
If we think, that we have a better formula for happiness, then we need to be living examples of it. If we start behaving as per their formula - then we are reinforcing their formula.
However, if we in every interaction value the person, value his efforts and value what we are learning from them and value what we can learn from them (in future) – then that would be a new paradigm for us to grow in and for others to experience.

While we could push the surveyor to do without bribe, imagine how villagers are tossed around by these officials and often how they find themselves at wits end to figure out a way to live in this society that is contagiously corrupt.
Add to it the farmers plight because of nature’s vagaries, weather’s ruthlessness and a society that puts them in the lowest rung of respect and regard.

Lets discuss this most often and lets push ourselves to change our paradigm of how we look at everybody in and around O-campus and push each other amongst the aarohi team to be understanding, empathetic and kind.

This is the kind of curriculum that I would like the children to learn.
This is what I mean that let this be a “campus that teaches”.
Teaches US.


1 comment:

  1. Rat,
    hmmm every time I am off this curriculum - I come back to you for reflection. Thank you for being a reflection wall for me.

    So, where is the problem ? All is well, all is fine.
    I am enjoying.
    Thank you for being there. Looking forward to create a space of openness.

