Tuesday, May 15, 2012


When I do not know what is happening at site, when the behaviour of workers trouble me or rather I get troubled – I talk to Madhukar to understand his perspective and talk to Ratnesh to explore another perspective,  speaking to Pramod opens up new ideas and understanding, Thank you all for being partner in this journey.

This is what Ratnesh’ view
Good -feeling-low - to me is a good news. ;-)
I know you will step over it, rather jump over it.
I know you realise that is part of the deal.
I know you realise that people around us need not be perfect (nobody is);
rather they need people who respond very differently (as compared to how everybody responds)
I know you realise that people around us need a very different set of role models.
I know you realise that people do not need a new way of construction farming, but a new kind of approach. (and a new kind of teacher).

I think, We all need to continuously look into ourselves and work on ourselves so that when aarohi children, aarohi parents, neighbours, govt officials, farmers, construction workers all come to interact with us - they experience a more meaningful relationship with us. Relationship that help them grow and glow!

It has to begin with me. Let me work on me. Rest of the world is already perfect  the way it is.

This is what Pramod says
You have to work with workers, listen to them before you put your technology onto them, even if it is rural technology. There is lot of difference in what we read and what happens on the site  - we need to understand working, we need to work with them.

This is what Madhukar says
It takes time  - give then time. Also do  not use the same person for many things, Let Sriam work as mason only, involving him materail hunting will lead to complications ..............
So true – I started relying for everything on Sriram. From construction, to arranging for material to have a night guard at site……….or cook for us. Pulled myself – went for material hunting and started interacting with more people. Sriram is back to work.

I think, It will take time to make relationship for villagers to have faith in us and be honest with us or even look at us their partners. Currently they are looking at us “from Bangalore”. 

Enjoying the process and this journey.

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