Sunday, April 15, 2012


Mina and Vishal came back with loads of learning and reflection. They met locals to explore mud construction, in the process they also found a house on rent and are very excited - the house can accommodate 15-2o people with the rent of Rs 1500/- per month. I enjoy the way Mina closes the deals/ work.

Few points
  1. What is our role - when we are there?
  2. How do we work with gaol of June in mind
  3. Not yet ready for volunteer work, while we have loads of other works to mobilize
  4. How do we account?

Vishal played the role of sceptic "how the fund will come? More he was raising doubt, more I was getting positive about the whole project - Time to START.

Excited to move to K-campus on Monday. Whole of weekend I have been planning, thinking, imagining - what and how to proceed with the work. Looking forward to Monday to begin the work !!

Called up Yashas, if he wants to join, He clarified "only if you are starting the construction".

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