Sunday, April 29, 2012

Marathon Day

Tuesday, 24th April

We had marathon day today. Started the day with marking of building and realized that we have to sacrifice a big tree. We decided to re-work on the layout to save this tree. Morning Sriram came to told us the toilets should be in south went corner – which I agreed, as I was not too happy with toilet towards rocks.

Me and Venu went to meet Pramod to understand centre line marking, digging and other structural aspect of the building.  Every interaction is enriching and exciting, Kids played outside his office. Picked up Mina from her home, came back to the site. Vishal and Namrata with parents came to see the site – Vishal was excited to show water points and streams. The whole concept is new and exciting – let us see how we move ahead.

Today evening was pleasant with black clouds and big orange sunset. It rained also in the night.

We need mud to make blocks. Venu came up with the idea of salaried labours. We have been discussing on why we need JCB for digging the foundation?

Its great to go to site explore the land and its elements and come back to the drawing board to incorporate the elements. Everyday new journey begins.

Dhrupad is missing home and TV. Asawari is at home, My brother is in town, Ratnesh is in Chennai, First time working on any project related to GK without his direct involvement. He is working on funding, I am working on construction. Looking forward to meet all on Friday night.  

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