Thursday, April 19, 2012

Life settling

We reached here and no labour turned up again! More opportunity for us to explore locals. We spent day in settling house, cleaning up and later in the day went to the site to explore next stage of construction, scope pf work etc. Kids played on their favourite rock while we roamed around in the site.

Today Mina and Vishal went to Hosur with along list – gas connection, meet surveyor, find about shift of electricity line form the site, buy mattresses, buy some more stuff for the house. Kids explored railway junction – they made friends with the line man and explore various thongs – what all time the trains come, how you change the signal etc. Tomorrow they want to spend whole day at railway crossing to explore more about it. Today we cooked food at hone – yummy.

The life here is simple yet very interesting – every tine I have changed the house/ Geniekids I have wished for more, this tie when I am settling house in Kelmanagaal, I am asking for les. The small house is just enough for all the requirements. Enjoying every bit of it.

Yesterday night we went on search of fire wood and I was trying to speak in Tamil and one of the shopkeeper asked me in Hindi, speak properly, speak in Hindi, I understand – I gave a big smile.. Once again I have been proved wrong, my language barrier is not a barrier – its fun to speak in communicate hen bit of us are speaking different language and not understanding a single bit, trying had to guess and moving ahead.

19th April

Today water diviner came to the site t o check the availability of water on the land. He took a stick of a tree if V shape and walked around with it and as per him at the water sport the stick was dancing – We saw stick dancing with lots of ifs and buts in mind. My trusting and learning sense says this is all about developing senses; my scientific mind is still thinking and wondering.

We roughly traced our first building – it looks exciting.

Kids spent time on railway crossing.

I am back to Bangalore for few days, as my Mother in-law passed away. The work will continue ………………….

There is lots happening, but difficult to capture in words – you have to come and stay to feel it :)

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