Sunday, April 29, 2012

First Mud road

O-campus got its first mud road and we have finished digging for the unit one. I missed Aaorhi kids when JCB was working on the land.

I began with scare for the digger for its size – soon I got used to of its working and then it was fun. On the way one tree fell half, and we realized that we have disturbed one squirrel’s nest and three baby squirrels fell down.

 Have been meeting lot of villagers and understanding construction from them. First time I am excited to find the details of form where the sand comes, what are various rates of material, how to source them….rates………techniques………….I am enjoying.

The need - We need to pump water from the source to the unit one and various places.

My idea
  • Create a manual system to pump water (use less elct philosophy) like cycling etc.
  • We involve local youth in this project and implement on the site
Let us see how we move ahead.

On Saturday Paraksah, Hema, Leela, Yashas, Bhanvana and Impu joined. Rat and Asa joined on fri night. Me, Venu, Suchi, Dhup, Ananyaa and Anushka were already there. Mina and Pranav had to leave for Bangalore  - missed them.

It was great staying together cooking, working and finally enjoying the new mud road and open classroom of O-campus.


  1. I was thrilled to see the action beginning on the ground. I was pleasantly surprised. Hats off to all the people working on the ground.

  2. someone asked me how are you feeling? I just paused and connected with myself and realized I have mixed feelings

    May be I am feeling lonely, may be nervous, may be excited with my journey, may be just at peace - aditi
