Monday, April 30, 2012


“First we keep dustbins and then we segregated the waste” – well, in one of the discussion Jinan told this. He was talking about how confused we are :)

First week at O-campus we kept dustbin and by the end of the week we had messed up waste – wet, organic, plastic………it became very dirty to segregate and finally we just threw it out.

Next week we removed dustbins.
Organic waste directly to cow or in the field.
Plastic – wash, dry and keep in one container.
Paper waste in another container.

Well the challenge came when kids ate bubble gum and we did not where to throw – we decided to dry in the sun and then keep ir separately. Still wondering how to dispose.

Let us how long this goes?

Sunday, April 29, 2012

First Mud road

O-campus got its first mud road and we have finished digging for the unit one. I missed Aaorhi kids when JCB was working on the land.

I began with scare for the digger for its size – soon I got used to of its working and then it was fun. On the way one tree fell half, and we realized that we have disturbed one squirrel’s nest and three baby squirrels fell down.

 Have been meeting lot of villagers and understanding construction from them. First time I am excited to find the details of form where the sand comes, what are various rates of material, how to source them….rates………techniques………….I am enjoying.

The need - We need to pump water from the source to the unit one and various places.

My idea
  • Create a manual system to pump water (use less elct philosophy) like cycling etc.
  • We involve local youth in this project and implement on the site
Let us see how we move ahead.

On Saturday Paraksah, Hema, Leela, Yashas, Bhanvana and Impu joined. Rat and Asa joined on fri night. Me, Venu, Suchi, Dhup, Ananyaa and Anushka were already there. Mina and Pranav had to leave for Bangalore  - missed them.

It was great staying together cooking, working and finally enjoying the new mud road and open classroom of O-campus.

Moving ahead

April 25th
Just when I feel anxious of what next, someone shows me directions, Today it was Sriram, he said we are starting work tomorrow. All the debate of JCB or labour for foundation digging is suddenly over   - tomorrow he is coming at 6 in the morning and we are starting the work.

The design has completely changed. Initial design had open courtyard, with railing on the first floor, means more safty measures :)

One can say I did not think about this earlier – but for this is the magic if being on the site – real life.  There is something different when you sit offsite and design compared to when you are on the site and re-design.

Sriram is very entu, he is also concerned for mud blocks. He wants to meet Yoganand’s team and understand the working of mud blocks.  He also wants to see t h drawing in advance and understand. He is excited so we are.

Mina has been a great inspiration for me with her constant thinking and dedication. We work in the morning, spend time with kids in the day, buy veg, cook food, fetch water, wash utensils and our clothes and again go back to the site in the evening. Sometime cook dinner, sometime go out.  We both have chosen to stay here so we can understand working for June. And she says “there is energy when you are together and on the site.”

Today it rained heavily here, we measured 3cm rain on the site.  We rushed to the site to see the streams made by the rain – our car wheel got badly stuck in the mud. We called nearby yonug boys – 13 of them took the car out. One of them took Pranav’s banana, and Dhup’s boomer – both kids did not like.  For the village boys it was quite normal – me and mina both just smiled. By the time we reached site, all streams disappeared (water soaked).

Dhup and Parnav have been great support. Both are finding best in the given situation. Sometimes buying Boomer from nearby shop creates excitement, sometimes passing train, or sometimes it is the sweet bun they find joy or playing with pond’s cream bottle as pichkari.

Marathon Day

Tuesday, 24th April

We had marathon day today. Started the day with marking of building and realized that we have to sacrifice a big tree. We decided to re-work on the layout to save this tree. Morning Sriram came to told us the toilets should be in south went corner – which I agreed, as I was not too happy with toilet towards rocks.

Me and Venu went to meet Pramod to understand centre line marking, digging and other structural aspect of the building.  Every interaction is enriching and exciting, Kids played outside his office. Picked up Mina from her home, came back to the site. Vishal and Namrata with parents came to see the site – Vishal was excited to show water points and streams. The whole concept is new and exciting – let us see how we move ahead.

Today evening was pleasant with black clouds and big orange sunset. It rained also in the night.

We need mud to make blocks. Venu came up with the idea of salaried labours. We have been discussing on why we need JCB for digging the foundation?

Its great to go to site explore the land and its elements and come back to the drawing board to incorporate the elements. Everyday new journey begins.

Dhrupad is missing home and TV. Asawari is at home, My brother is in town, Ratnesh is in Chennai, First time working on any project related to GK without his direct involvement. He is working on funding, I am working on construction. Looking forward to meet all on Friday night.  

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Doing by self

When I reached site on Sunday and started marking the building with masons and Madhukar, I realized I need to do it myself. I have taken 3 days time to explore and do it myself on the site before we start start digging with JCB from Thursday onwards. What is on drawing and what is on site needs to be worked out. I did not want to take decision in hurry to “do anything”.  Thank you Venu for questioning us and also sensitizing our own being.  It was so easy for the masons to measure, me standing and giving them instructions……………

I was not the person by nature who would analyse various situations – being with Vishal, Mina and Ratnesh I am developing this skill. I was happy that I did not depend on Madhukar and Masons to do the centre line marking. I am on my toe since I came back from the site, talking to many to understand this process.  I am looking forward to reach site and do the marking and move ahead.

I am happy I took 3 days time – I am finding my self enlightened and in favour of the building.I am enjoying EACH day at the making of O-campus. Learning curve is exciting.

I am back to my college days - My brother and Ratnesh both were searching for appropriate software for me to make drawings, my brother was reading tutorials to help me to understand - I was back to pampering with two of my lovely mentor and to my drawing board.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Expression after 4 days at O-campus

Supply from Bangalore
Today I went to buy grocery for home, I got prompted to pick few things for O-campus like Maggi, packaged snacks. popcorn etc. Then I decided to not to buy and explore the local market only.

The reasons to not to buy
  1. If I keep on depending on supply from Bangalore, I will never be independent on O-campus.
  2. If I keep on buying for Bangalore, I will not explore
  3. Also I will keep on carrying plastic from here to there
But I kept this open for Dhup and Asa, I want to first explore myself and then share my experience with kids and leave it to them to explore.

While cooking in O-campus I was tempted to buy Pressure cooker, more utensils……..I am stopping myself and exploring what else. 
  1. There are lot of utensil which I found extra in my house and I am surprised now we are running two kitchen – there was so much extra at home L
  2. For pressure cooker I want to wait for solar cooker – I have heard with solar cooker one does not need pressure cooker. I have been using other means like soak rice for 2-3 hours, use lid cooking………..may be will try keeping in the sun directly to save further fuel. Next week will try with temporary solar cooker to boil potatoes.
  3. Life without Fridge is very simple.
Washing utensils
  1. Trying to break my own beliefs about how dirty is dirt water and how much can I re-use.
  2. Using 3-4 tubs and doing community washing, reusing the water……….remembering my mother who was born in the village and did all these things without any “intellectual water crisis”.
 Language Barrier
  1. It is very easy for me to dependent on Mina or Venu or few kids who know the language.
  2. I am trying to not to take their help and converse with local mason in my own way – hand actions, picking some key words, watching their gesture, connecting the context, guessing – its fun, it is also sometimes no communication, ………knowing my limitations, sometimes they stop communicating and take help of others who knows the language J
Work Pace
  1. I am personally at peace with the pace of the construction – I am not hyper or calling Ratnesh with frustration “toady also workers did not come no work is happening”.
  2. Its learning journey for me – for me the options are with frustration wait for the work to move ahead or enjoy the process. This time I have decided to choose the second option.
  3. With second option “all is well” – people working not working, coming not coming…………..all is fine. I enjoyed each day at the campus.
 Physical work
  1. It is fun doing all the work by self including house clean up to cooking to fetch water from the sump. Nothing stops because of others – the life and work both continues.
  2. Venu joined us on Wednesday and as soon as he came he dug up and made a cloth hanging system with bamboo.  I was connecting with his thoughts of getting involved by staying in the place – His work inspired me to do more and brought confidence in me.
Kids and involvement
  1. Kids are involved in K-campus in their own way – they are not on the site many times, they are all around the village, exploring railway line J.
  2. I am doing my own refection of “why we make few things compulsory in Aarohi and why not when we are at home/O-campus home?”
  3. I enjoyed bed time stories with them and non-stop chatting any time of the day.
  4. Kids are finding their own ways to work and explore, For me when they were playing chess on the railway line, I had no issue I was at peace. When video games and laptop opened up for movies, I asked myself “why do I need to distinguish, its their choice form available options.  I smiled at my own transition.
 Me and sensitivity
  1. I was communicating with Jinan on senses, cognitive development and environment. He expressed we kill kids senses with over stimulation – For me it remained an intellectual discussion as my own senses are damaged with over stimulation.
  2. At village, the electricity comes 5-6 hours, The day time it was practically not there, It was hot………..even a small movement in the air was noticed by me, as there was no fan, It was great feeling to connect with my natural sense.
  3. Second day pf my living I did not feel hot, I was not waiting for fan as I was enjoying the pleasure of wind and changes in speed.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Life settling

We reached here and no labour turned up again! More opportunity for us to explore locals. We spent day in settling house, cleaning up and later in the day went to the site to explore next stage of construction, scope pf work etc. Kids played on their favourite rock while we roamed around in the site.

Today Mina and Vishal went to Hosur with along list – gas connection, meet surveyor, find about shift of electricity line form the site, buy mattresses, buy some more stuff for the house. Kids explored railway junction – they made friends with the line man and explore various thongs – what all time the trains come, how you change the signal etc. Tomorrow they want to spend whole day at railway crossing to explore more about it. Today we cooked food at hone – yummy.

The life here is simple yet very interesting – every tine I have changed the house/ Geniekids I have wished for more, this tie when I am settling house in Kelmanagaal, I am asking for les. The small house is just enough for all the requirements. Enjoying every bit of it.

Yesterday night we went on search of fire wood and I was trying to speak in Tamil and one of the shopkeeper asked me in Hindi, speak properly, speak in Hindi, I understand – I gave a big smile.. Once again I have been proved wrong, my language barrier is not a barrier – its fun to speak in communicate hen bit of us are speaking different language and not understanding a single bit, trying had to guess and moving ahead.

19th April

Today water diviner came to the site t o check the availability of water on the land. He took a stick of a tree if V shape and walked around with it and as per him at the water sport the stick was dancing – We saw stick dancing with lots of ifs and buts in mind. My trusting and learning sense says this is all about developing senses; my scientific mind is still thinking and wondering.

We roughly traced our first building – it looks exciting.

Kids spent time on railway crossing.

I am back to Bangalore for few days, as my Mother in-law passed away. The work will continue ………………….

There is lots happening, but difficult to capture in words – you have to come and stay to feel it :)

Sunday, April 15, 2012


Mina and Vishal came back with loads of learning and reflection. They met locals to explore mud construction, in the process they also found a house on rent and are very excited - the house can accommodate 15-2o people with the rent of Rs 1500/- per month. I enjoy the way Mina closes the deals/ work.

Few points
  1. What is our role - when we are there?
  2. How do we work with gaol of June in mind
  3. Not yet ready for volunteer work, while we have loads of other works to mobilize
  4. How do we account?

Vishal played the role of sceptic "how the fund will come? More he was raising doubt, more I was getting positive about the whole project - Time to START.

Excited to move to K-campus on Monday. Whole of weekend I have been planning, thinking, imagining - what and how to proceed with the work. Looking forward to Monday to begin the work !!

Called up Yashas, if he wants to join, He clarified "only if you are starting the construction".

Thursday, April 12, 2012

It time to start

The decision to make the first building with mud block was taken based on what is available on the site, the need of a permanent structure, the research going in this use of material by many others…………………Open to be questioned on all these criteria.

Current concern “use of cement in making of mud blocks”.

This is how I look at it
  • We move ahead with first building with Mud blocks - Understand the process
  • Meanwhile connect with more people to explore options
  • Invite more people on the site to explore with them.
  • For me still the people like mason and craftsman are my guiding force. So would like to learn with them rather all by myself. They are my resources.

I am open to do more experimentation, more research, interact and learn from others but for me work happening parallel is equally important.I have spent one year on exploring various ways to work on this starting of construction - I think its time to start the action.

I have no fixed method to tell you when it is time to start - You can say "gut" feeling. I did research on chidlren and learning before I started working, met 60-70 people in Bangalore, read a lot of books and finally got frustrated with my own research and expressed "now its time to do something" and we announced our first programme.

I am at same feeling with O-campus "its time to start".

Aarohi children announced few months back "we do not want to come for meetings, call us only when you start work at the site, we want to do something on the site".


Labours have not reached, some amount of frustration for the people staying there with the hardship with kids and …………no thikana, no kahaa pina ka intzam, no comfort of home.

Mina informed we will experiment with making one room with mud and stones by ourselves on the site, so we can stay there and no need to rent the house.

I was excited yet I had my own apprehension

Do we need to get into this work? Do we have so much of liberty of people and time at our disposal? What about our target of starting session in June? Once the sessions starts how are we going to divert energy? How do we make maximum out of this one month? Not much have happened from last construction date to this construction date? My discomfort meter rising – I could not think more positive with 102 degree fever and severe headache.

Who will do all other brain and decisions work like how and what to do for electricity? What will be the layout? How will water reach site? Do we need to experiment with each and every decision or we also need to move ahead with goals? Instead of Vishal spending his time on making a wall I would rather have him installing energy systems at site. Instead of Mina working with construction, I would rather have her work on getting water to the site. Instead of Venu working on wall, I would rather have him identifying various places form where we can source the material. Its time for action,,,,,,,,,,,,even If I have to do experiment, I will do with the labours and mason – for me they are still are the brain of construction.

I reflected with my saviour Ratnesh. He put it in different perspective – as and when need will come, may be people do not have enough or much direction on what to do, hence they found this is the best option to start. This helped me to put thing sin my perspective. I sped up the work to get the workers at site, the preparation to get material for labours…………….Mina, Venu and Vishal on their toes went around, hunted the material and all ready to receive labour on the site.

Yesterday Mina informed “we started making the wall with stone and mud and it is coming up”

I asked “what about foundation”

She informed “we dug 6 inches deep”

And I fell two feet down - I have not heard any wall without any foundation. I did my own search on the net, scratched all my knowledge of making of a wall, and looked around at all the vertical things to understand if they exist without foundation?

My scientific sense and sense balance did not give me any comfort of a wall without foundation. I was imagining kids playing on that wall and wall toppling down.

Also I remembering any fall of the building and foundation being questioned?

I questioned myself - If kids making wall without foundation will I stop or bring my previous knowledge so soon? Yes I will throw some challenges to them, question them …….I sent a mail to Mina and Vishal with my understanding of foundation

Hi guys
Just questioning the making of wall without foundation.
even for a compound/ boundary wall - one goes down by 1.2 mtr. (has no roof load).
Normally foundation base is bigger than the wall.
Did my own research to know if the walls are made without foundation - did not find any.
Also the depth depends on the terrain - To get bonding with the rock in rocky terrain, one needs to chisel the rock.

Because mud has poor mechanical resistance and is poorly waterproof, the builder usually
lays a full length stone wall base prior to a mud brick wall construction. This foundation may
be quite small when the wall is built in rocky terrain. Otherwise, compact or masonry stone is
In some cases, these foundations are extended above ground level, thus becoming an actual
wall base. More rarely, this type of wall is added to hewn-stone masonry, overlapping the
stone base.
My two cents

I slept with fever in mind and in the heart.

Today also labours did not reach - not much to on the site to do. Mina and Vishal with two kids went around to look at various mud houses in the village, spoke to few people and informed “we are not making wall now, it is too dangerous”.

They also looked at few houses as original plan to rent for few months – so we can stay there and divert all energy in making of O-campus.

We all meeting tomorrow

My thoughts - We need to work towards our target "Staring sessions in June and also completing first phase in July".

  1. We all take up specific areas to work
  2. And get into action on the site
  3. All the experiment, leaning etc we do in that area - let others do experiment in their areas. We may support each other in cross areas.

So this is how I look at it

  1. Vishal - work on energy and start building system for solar, wind etc etc on the site
  2. Mina - Water, start work for that on the site
  3. Aditi and Venu- start construction and do related research, experiment on the site
  4. Ratnesh and Prakash - Funding
  5. Mina and Ratnesh - all other legal works like elect pole shifting, entrance land

All other people who will come on the site can be volunteers and we can even ask for specific help from people.

I do not know if I stopped the creative process or the spirit of people trying to experiment?

How can one be creative with constraint (here we have time constraint now)

What is the scope of experimentation?

For me every process is reflection of leaning process? How it would have been with kids?

I am still reflecting.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Day one jackpot

Today we started making of O-campus.

Mina, Vishal, Venu, Anu and Pranav headed towards O-campus. They had no place to stay - they just went with bags and baggage

One of our neighbour farm owner agreed to open his farm for us - and this was in Mina's words "jacpot, god appeared".

He came all the way from Bangalore to see they all were comfortable.

Waiting to join them on Thursday - i am down with fever.