Wednesday, June 6, 2012


This is my reflection of my working at K-campus on construction.

I want to continue the thought “Every person we meet, we have to meet with open mind, open heart and a desire to learn.”. I also want to TRUST each person whom I interact with. I began with doubting Sirram, and I got the feeling of cheating – I got back what I gave :)

I told Babu, Venkatatppa and Sriram on Tuesday “I do not want to check material on the site, I want to trust you”.

I want to move ahead with complete TRUST.

I realized
  • I do not gain anything when I am not trusting them - I cannot just check their work, material, etc on the site - so I will end up chasing them and they chasing me"
  • When I trust I gain a lot - I gain relationship.
Open for your thoughts 


  1. Aditi, some questions:

    1) Will you be able to show the same trust if you were able to check their work, material, etc? I mean if you had the time and understanding of the subject.
    2) Do we really get what we give? I personally have had mixed experiences.
    3) What do people want? Do they want to be trusted? Sometimes I know I'll be tempted to cheat and I want someone else to distrust me and help me overcome this temptation.

  2. Hmm! I find this little difficult to digest. It pinched me a bit.

    I trust some people and I do not trust some people. And the list is dynamic. For both categories, I have entry and exit criteria. I do lot of screening before I move people from "not trusted" to "trusted" category. And I also give a lot of room before I take out people from "trusted" list.

    I too feel, as Vishal mentions, there is human temptation to cheat, steal, exploit when "given" an opportunity. So I prefer to be cautious. I know there is overhead of monitoring, checking, cross-checking etc. But I know I will get away with it, once I move them into "trusted" category.

    As of now, Sriram is not in my "trusted" list. I have given him room and I will continue to give him room. I am open.

  3. Thank you Prakash and Vishal for responding - this helps.

    Sriram is not in my "trusted list" - I am not able to trust him, but also did not want to mistrust him.

    I like the idea of giving time to myself to screen, may be a relationship building space and room to myself to understand.

    I guess I can move ahead. I am still checking material at site, I am still checking "have you done this?" I am still not giving him any material contract to his people as I am still wanting him to work only on foundation and get into any material.........I am still exploring. I am cautious but I am much at peace with myself compared to my fist two weeks with Sriram.

    I do not find myself trusting anyone on the site - Babu, Venkattppa, Sriram, Satya...........I am silently observing my thoughts and my reactions.

    Am I expecting too much from me to just start trusting because I want to trust?

    Also not sure what happens when I move one to trusted category and I am cheated?
