Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Exploring trust?

Venkattapa told me “you do not trust me, what will you do with so much of mistrust?” I smiled, I had not much to say as I want to trust, but I do not trust. 

For me all journeys starts with kids and stops at kids….............This reminded me of similar situations in parenting

You do not trust  me – check mobile, mails, friends…….
You do not understand me – so you fail to feel what I go thru
And many more like this

When I meet a child I do not take any time to trust the child. Even if the child say lie to me I accept with the thought “as and when child will feel safe with me will say right things” and I continue to trust.

I am not able to trust people at site – is it because money and other materialistic things are involved? At site each one looks at with “doubt and caution” and all behaviours surround that one feeling. It is interesting journey for me. 

I am still exploring what is TRUST?
I am still exploring relationship
I am still exploring "inter-be"
I am still exploring my purpose

Any thoughts, any expetienec on my blogs are purely my experiences and my journey - any resemblance or contradiction with others thoughts are just a coincidence -:). I write for my reflection, I share for my joy.

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