Sunday, June 17, 2012

How much is safe?

Three kids climbed a tree, one child at climbed the tree, branch broke and the child fell on stone bench below. The child did not get hurt – this could have been serious also. Others climbed down, noone fell down further. Kids were not scared. (BTW he fell down at home while he was climbing ladder, the rope broke :( and he got hurt).
One child counting bricks, and took support of it, three bks fell on her
Children using tools like saw, plough with ease
Children also climbing trees, hanging with ease

Just thinking aloud what safety is and how we look at it?
How much do we WATCH kids?
Do we need to WATCH?

Child who fell down from tree shared “I was not scared, I felt I will die while falling down, take me to doc to show that everything is alright”.

Will this child be not CAREFUL next time?
Was he not CAREFUL?
Do we need to put constraint “no climbing tree?”

We have seen kids move ahead with their own sense of safety.
Few climb straight tress, while some stay down as they are not comfortable

We do have one constraint stay within adult’s eyes, and kids cannot go near construction site alone etc etc”. We do follow all the codes of road, travel safety etc – but at the campus how do we define it………….?

Just sharing to get some questioning from you to clarify my thoughts

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