Friday, July 26, 2013

Big dreams - small steps

This one goes for Ratnesh, Namrata and Vishal
A year back when we started with the campus and the big dream in our heart “can a campus teach?”.….the consistent question in mind was “how will this happen, it will take a lot of time?”

But I guess, all things begin with a DREAM and that’s what the campus began with.

Since, last one year Ratnesh and Vishal have been working bit by bit on an absolutely NEW concepts – electricity through solar and water filtering system (dwat) ……………..
I refused to help Ratnesh when he wanted to give loooooooong instructions on phone for implementation, my visual mind could not relate to his verbal instructions - this looked beyond my reach. Namrata came forward and worked patiently to understand every little detail to implement at the campus.  She has this little dream deep in her heart to “set up the campus”.

Ah!!!! We have solar in place at the campus, we have dwat system ready to use at the campus…………….Kids have enjoyed our struggle, they have been receiving unconsciously and are part of our dreams. Ratnesh shared “the education for me is to stay in discomfort zone and constantly learn”.

While planting reeds in the pond, kids took over – one became leader and ensuring the reeds are planted at the sufficient depth, one was working endlessly to dig the pits, another one was observing, one was helping as and when require….there was acceptance of all, all skills, all role…………………Pictures of the winning smiles will tell you the whole story. 

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