Saturday, November 17, 2012

Do I need to empower?

I shared my thoughts on "attendance" in the training session with the perspective to know how can "I" bring more value to "YOU".
Assumption - If people will find the value (brought by me) in training, they will be eager to attend the sessions.

I personally look forward to the training on Fridays, so I wanted to know  how do "I" make it valuable for "others". I thought I can make it valuable for others :).

After the discussion on "empowerment" I got my "enlightenment".
  • I do not need to make training valuable for anyone -:)
  • People have POWER inside them  to make it valuable for themselves. So if one is not expressing, one is not taking initiative to make it valuable, then "I" do not need to take initiative - rather I need to empower them to realized their "power" of be able to take initiative.
    • I can only make them aware of choices,
    • I also not need to make them aware - they are aware, I just need to accept their choices -:).
    • Window of the"value" is different for me and others - I just need to understand all the windows.
Before, when I used  to take ttt sessions on empowerment, I thought I knew all about empowerment.  Even since I started searching for "what is empowerment", I think I know nothing - and this makes me go for more searchhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Thank you all for enriching session on empowerment.

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